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Беспроводной модуль nRF52840 BLE4.2 BEL5.0 Rf Receiver 2,4 ГГц BLE Модуль маяка для домашней автоматизации IoT

[Вес изделия]:1.3g±0.1g


[Частота]:2,360 ~ 2,500 ГГц

[Протокол]:BLE 4.2/5.0



[Введение]:E73-2G4M08S1CX - это беспроводной модуль Bluetooth, разработанный Chengdu Ebyte, который отличается небольшим размером и низким энергопотреблением. Он принимает первоначально импортированный RFIC nRF52840 NORDIC, поддерживающий BLE 4.2 и BLE 5.0.

Pin No.ItemCorresponding,ch ip pin itemDirectionDescription
Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
Common I/OLow frequency 10, standard drive
3P0.03P0.03/AIN1Common I/OAnalog input 1, low frequency I/O, standard drive.
4AI4P0.28/AIN4Common I/OAnalog input 4
5GND--Single ground line , connect to the power reference ground.
6P1.13P1.13Common I/OLow frequency 10, standard drive
7AI0P0.02/AIN0Common I/OAnalog input 0, low frequency I/O, standard drive.
8AI5P0.29/AIN5Common I/OAnalog input 5, low frequency I/O, standard drive.
9AI7P0.31/AIN7Common I/OAnalog input 7, low frequency I/O, standard drive.
10AI6P0.30/AIN6Common I/OAnalog input 6, low frequency I/O, standard drive.
11XL1P0.00/XL1Common I/OConnect to 32.768 kHz crystal
12P0.26P0.26Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
13XL2P0.01/XL2Common I/OConnect to 32.768 kHz crystal
14P0.06P0.06Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
15AI3P0.05/AIN3Common I/OAnalog input 3
16P0.08P0.08Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
17Pl.09Pl.09Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
18AI2P0.04/AIN2Common I/OAnalog input 2
19VCC--Power supply
20P12P0.12Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
21GND--Ground line, connect to the power reference ground
22P0.07P0.07Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
23VDHVDDH-High voltage power supply
24GND--Ground line, connect to the power reference ground
25DCHDCCH-DC/DC converter output
26RSTP0.18/RESETCommon I/OQSPI/CSN/extemal reset
27VBSVBUS-USB power supply, 5W input, used to USB3.3V voltage regulator
28P15P0.15Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
29D-D--USB D-
30P17P0.17Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
31D+D+-USB D+
32P0.20P0.20Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
33P0.13P0.13Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
34P0.22P0.22Common I/OQSPI
35P0.24P0.24Common I/O-
36Pl.00Pl.00Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
37SWDSWDIO-Serial debug programming port clock
38Pl.02Pl.02Common I/OSee details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website
39SWCSWCLK-Serial debug programming port clock
40Pl.04Pl.04Common I/OLow frequency I/O, standard drive
41NF1P0.09/NFC1Common I/ONFC input
42Pl.06Pl.06Common I/OLow frequency I/O, standard drive
43NF2P0.10/NFC2Common I/ONFC input