[Частота]:900~931 МГц
[Расстояние]:8,0 км
[Масса]:5,0±0,1 г
[Введение]:E32-915T30S (бывший E44-TTL-1W) — это модуль беспроводного приемопередатчика мощностью 1 Вт с технологией расширения спектра LoRa, работающий на частотах 900–931 МГц.
Pin No. | Pin Item | Pin Direction | Pin Application |
1 | M0 | Input(weak pull-up) | Work with M1 & decide the four operating modes. Floatingis not allowed, can be ground. |
2 | M1 | Input(weak pull-up) | Work with M0 & decide the four operating modes. Floatingis not allowed, can be ground. |
3 | RXD | Input | TTL UART inputs, connects to external TXD (MCU, PC) output pin. Can be configured as open-drain or pull-up input. |
4 | TXD | Output | TTL UART outputs, connects to external RXD (MCU, PC) input pin. Can be configured as open-drain or push-pull output. |
5 | AUX | Output | To indicate module's working status & wakes up the external MCU. During the procedure of self-check initialization, the pin outputs low level. Can be configured as open-drainoutput or push-pull output (floating is allowed). |
6 | VCC | Input | Voltage reference of module. Power supply 3.3V ~ 5.2V DC |
7 | GND | Input | Ground |
8 | RESET | Input | Reset pin when program is loading(floating,users do not need toconnect) |
9 | GND | Input | Ground pin when program isloading (floating,users do not need to connect) |
10 | SWIM | Input | SWIM pin when program isloading (floating,users do not need to connect) |
11 | +3.3V | Input | Power supply pin whenprogram is loading (floating,users donot need to connect) |
12 | PB3 | Input /Output | NC pin,need to be floating,not connected(for further development) |
13 | PB1 | Input /Output | NC pin,need to be floating,not connected(for further development) |
14 | PB0 | Input /Output | NC pin,need to be floating,not connected(for further development) |
15 | GND | Ground | |
16 | GND | Ground | |
17 | GND | Ground | |
18 | ANT | Output | Antenna connector(high level output, 50 characteristic impedance) |